Focus of the day: Sangha.

February 6, 2019

Good morning, divine lights ✨🙏💖 Today—a day when people are going to be doing a lot of debating after last night’s State of the Union address, and there’s a lot of division—my focus is to see the world as my Sangha. 
During #YogaMindJanuary2019, we created a Sangha, a group of like-minded people. We were all working the 30-day program in Yoga Mind, cheering each other on and supporting each other in doing the spiritual exercises. 
Now, our work is to expand the Sangha. To see the people around us as part of our Sangha. We are all connected, even to people we may disagree with. If we practice kindness and do good, we improve life for everyone. It’s not just a theory; think of Leroy Smith, Director of the South Carolina Dept. of Public Safety, who is African American, coming to the aid of a man wearing a swastika t-shirt who was suffering from heatstroke during a white power protest. Mr. Smith didn’t think about his personal feelings. He saw someone suffering, and he helped him. To paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, Mr. Smith was the change he wanted to see in the world.  
Today, see the world as your Sangha. What can you do to be the change you wish to see? ✨🙏💖

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