Maitri Monday: A moment of meditation.

June 5, 2017

Good morning, beautiful people. It’s Maitri Monday, the day to consciously extend an act of kindness to yourself.

This is hardly a selfish thing to do. Being kind to yourself means that kindness grows within you and radiates outward toward the rest of the world. It doesn’t have to take much time at all, yet the effects can last all day.

Today’s act of kindness is a visualization meditation. Imagine releasing your fears and doubts into this stream, letting them be washed away. Allow yourself to think, speak, and act from the natural stream of goodness that flows through you.

If negative thoughts arise, just play this video again and visualize releasing the negativity into the cool waters.

For more on Maitri (kindness, read how to have a happier week, how to make a Maitri list, and this recipe for Maitri tea.

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