Something new to try today: believing in your own potential. January 22, 2018 If negative thoughts are holding you back, this Yoga tool can change your mind.
3 Things you need for the holidays. December 18, 2017 When the holidays have you in overwhelm mode, ask yourself these 3 simple questions to get centered.
How to make work flow easier. December 5, 2017 When you wake up stressed because of what you have to do today, here’s a way to make things go more smoothly.
How to start your day happy. October 26, 2017 Mudita is a simple Yoga tool that will start your day off on a great note.
Look what landed on the yoga mat today! October 11, 2017 This book is a 30-day program that brings the bliss of yoga off the mat and into your real life. And you can get yours now.