Good morning, beautiful people. My meditation teacher France Roy said yesterday, “We need to stop believing in our negative thoughts. Start believing in your potential.” Which kind of blew my mind.
This is another example of Pratipaksha Bhavana, the Yoga Thought-Swap Trick I talk about in Yoga Mind—and all the time here, because it’s one of my favorite spiritual tools.
As France said, we’re always identifying with our limitations. Why? It’s the mind’s wonky way of trying to protect you. It’s not very pleasant, though, and it ain’t gonna lead to much happiness.
Today, try something different: break free. Make the choice to believe in your potential, and switch your thoughts to all the positive things you could do. And let’s watch you bloom.
Have a great day, divine lights. ✨🙏✨💖
There are 30 spiritual tools in YOGA MIND that can help you become happier and less stressed. Get your copy here.