Gratitude for one of my teachers.

March 21, 2018

Good morning, divine lights. This beautiful soul is Cheri Clampett, founder of Therapeutic Yoga. I took her training in 2002, and I didn’t know it then, but Cheri and her co-teacher Arturo Peal were preparing me for one of the most important things I would ever do:
Be able to listen.
The Therapeutic Yoga training opened my mind to what Yoga means, and what it can mean to people going through illness and physical trauma. Part of that training was the 3-Minute Listening Exercise, which Cheri gave me permission to share with you in Yoga Mind.
This simple yet challenging, subtle yet profound exercise could make a difference in all of your relationships, and you don’t have to be a Yoga teacher to do it. You just have to be a person who wants to connect better with other people. I think that’s just about all of us.
Thank you, Cheri, for opening not only my mind but my heart, and for shining your divine light on us all.
Have a great day, beautiful people. ✨🙏✨💖✨

For more on Therapeutic Yoga, click here

30 days to your best and truest self. Click here to start now. Available in paperback and audiobook.  


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