Recently, my husband and I woke up to the sound of dripping water—not in our bathroom, but in the bedroom. Water was dripping from the ceiling there, and when I went into another room to get towels from the linen closet, water was streaming from the light fixture. And seeping under the stairs, from […]
Category: wellness
What to do with those old jeans.
A few weeks ago, my husband Nathan and I were given a great opportunity to declutter: our apartment sprang several new, gushing leaks. (Thankfully, my yarn stash bag, holding all my favorite tools for MedKNITation, was safe!) We’d already been through the forced decluttering of SuperStorm Sandy, when our basement was flooded with eight feet […]
Can you hear me now?
Last week, a whistleblower revealed documents showing that Facebook hid the results of studies they’d done on the effects of Instagram, which Facebook owns, on teenagers. Among the findings were that looking at Instagram increased thoughts of suicide among teenage girls. This week, Facebook, Instagram, and What’s App (also owned by Facebook) went down for […]
Event: Project Knitwell Anniversary #medKNITation!
Friends: I’m honored to be the guest interview at Project Knitwell’s 10th Anniversary and Auction celebration on Wednesday, Oct. 6 from 7-8 pm. You can bid on fabulous knitted items and join a special anniversary event, where I’ll be leading a MedKNITation® and talking about how fiber arts can reduce stress in our lives. Project Knitwell is […]
Yoga and Yarn: not so different after all.
Maybe you know me as the author of Yoga Mind: Journey Beyond the Physical , the 30-day program of spiritual tools designed to help you realize the true meaning of Yoga–not a bunch of physical poses, but feeling aligned with your values and finding your path in life. Or maybe you know me as the […]