Writing: Are problems really problems, or something else?

June 3, 2019

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of writing, and I’ve come to an important part of the writing process: Problems. So many problems. Where once I saw a great idea and a good story, now all I can see now are problems. Enough problems, in fact, to make me want to scuttle the entire book, walk away, and possibly not write again for a long while. 

I’m exactly where I should be.

Part of the writing process is discovering all the problems with whatever you’re writing. Predictability, not saying what you want to say the way you want to say it, wondering why you ever started this in the first place. But problems like these and others aren’t road blocks; they’re opportunities for you to make your writing sing. For you to turn that plot from ho-hum to oh WOW. To be as good as you think you can be, and then be even better. (This can be applied to a lot of things in life that have nothing to do with writing too.)

The problem with these gift opportunities is that they come in prickly wrapping paper. So unwrap them carefully, but do unwrap them. Don’t see a problem as a road block when it could be a detour to something better.

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