Problem? Use the Sangha Solution.

April 16, 2018

Good morning, divine lights. We’ve been conditioned to take pride in being self-sufficient—to be the kind of people who can do whatever we need to do ourselves. Self-starters, solopreneurs, self-made people. And this is great…to an extent. When you think about it, we all need help, we could all use help, and it’s not terrible to want a little help.

The truth is, we don’t have to do anything alone. In Yoga, we have a Sangha: a group of people who may be our friends, or who may be complete strangers, but who all share a common thread. We get support from these like-minded friends, and we give support. It makes our walk through life so much easier and better.

If you have a problem, or you’re starting a new project, going through a job switch or other life change, use the Sangha Solution: Talk to your friends. If the life event is a big one, like illness or recovery, join a support or 12-step group; you can find one by talking to the Patient Services representative at your local hospital. (You don’t have to be a patient to ask for information.) Even if you’re starting something fun, like drawing or knitting, it’s even more fun to do it in a group—a Sangha.

These days, it’s easy to feel cut off and lose touch. Liking a post isn’t the same as being connected. So today, reach out to members of your Sangha. Call, meet up in person (face to face! Wow!). Surround yourself with good people, and be one of the good people surrounding others. Together, we can all generate more love and light.

Don’t forget: You can join the Spiritual Surfer Sangha on Facebook, where we talk about the Yoga Mind tools and how to use them in our lives.

Speaking of friends, I’ll be on a live webinar with Friends Health Connection Tuesday, April 17, at 12 noon ET. Click here to register the webinar, or go to to register.

Have a beautiful day, divine lights.

Start the 30-day plan to get happier, less stressed, and more mindful. Click here to get your copy of Yoga Mind: Journey Beyond the Physical. 


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